Saturday, September 21, 2013

Essentials for a Road Trip

So far on my trip, here are some items I believe are essential or must haves for this road trip and sleeping in your car.
  1. More Blankets. Not having the foam pad extra blankets can make a quick bed.
  2.  Car Air Freshener. Driving and sleeping in your car does not make it smell like roses even if you shower and brush your teeth. 
  3. Car Glass Cleaner. Even with the windows cracked you fog up the windows at night. The windows must be cleaned and the inside or else you have hot breath marks.
  4. Ample playlist. Music is the soundtrack to your adventure. Make sure it's the right tunes for your trip.
  5. Towel. Just like the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy you shouldn't go anywhere without your towel. My first morning I dried off with a t-shirt since I forgot a towel. Needless to say I have one now.
  6. Real Camera. My phone takes all right pictures however, a real camera with better zoom and resolution would have produced even more beautiful shots of the coastline

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